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born twice
Divine Doppelgängers
They've never been seen in the same room together. They clearly share a high percentage of the same genes. Meet the people who have been... quite literally... born twice.
Also on Born Twice...
Jesus fresco
Holy Testicle
Rob Bell
Dean Sam Lloyd
Bishop of Bristol
Cardinal Newman
Bishop of Brum
Graham Kendrick
NT Wright
Stephen Green
Jürgen Moltmann
Ian Paisley
pope and fester
From W. Addams, 1 July 2008

The "family" he belongs to is famously obsessed with death, mortification, weird clothes and creepy buildings – but hey, that's Catholicism for you. Wikipedia characterises Uncle Fester as a "barrel-shaped man with dark, sunken eyes and often a deranged smile." Yes, Papa Benny would surely be welcomed with open arms by Lurch, Morticia and Cousin Itt. As if to prove it, Thing is even pictured in the left-hand photo above, stroking the Holy Father's chin.
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